difference between "do-release-upgrade" and "apt-get dist-upgrade"

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 5 02:00:56 UTC 2010

On 10/04/2010 06:54 PM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> I just got through with doing the upgrade from Lucid to Maverick via,
> "release-upgrade -d," and ended up at a command line.  Logging in
> and issuing, "startx," didn't work, there were no error messages
> displayed.Luckily, I know to adjust the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and remove
> my nvidia driver, substituting the nv driver. Not being a real Linux
> professional, I had to first install mc. A reboot gave me a normal
> login but graphics were pretty screwed up as you can probably imagine
> until I disabled Compiz, enabling Metacity, and got the nvidia driver
> again.  Finally everything is working right again but I fear for the
> folks who don't know these tricks and have/use nvidia cards and
> software.

Note if you have an older nVidia 96/legacy card (as I do):
[ABI change in xorg 1.9 breaks legacy nvidia-96 and nvidia-173 drivers
in Maverick]
173 got fixed, but still waiting on 96...

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