Preserve Pulseaudio "Default Sink" setting on reboot?

Dave DaveM at Mich.Com
Sun Nov 7 12:15:58 UTC 2010

At 01:49 AM 11/7/2010, you wrote:
>On 07/11/2010 15:30, Dave Markus wrote:
> > At 12:09 AM 11/7/2010, you wrote:
> >
> >> On Sat, 2010-11-06 at 23:55 -0400, Dave wrote:
> >>
> >>> I use the Pulseaudio Device Chooser to set the default sink (on a
> >>> laptop) to a remote server. This works fine. When i reboot my laptop,
> >>> the default sink reverts back to "default" (the laptop sound card).
> >>> Is there a way to get the laptop to continue to use the remote server
> >>> after a reboot? Is there a command that I can run in a script on
> >>> startup to change the default sink back to the remote server?
> >>>
> >>> I am running Ubuntu 9.04 on this machine.
> >>>
> >> Using 10.4 it seems to remember the last setting used in an application,
> >> even after a reboot. No clue how it handles remote logins. Ric
> >>
> > I do not have a 10.04 system readily avalable but I tried it in a
> > 10.04 Netbook Edition system and it will not remember the default
> > sink setting after a reboot. Very frustrating for an 
> unsophisticated user. Dave
> >
>Do you really need pulseaudio is the real question and the bottom line.
>If not, get rid of it and use the good old alsa which works.
>(I didn't start on Ubuntu until Lucid (10.04) so don't really know what
>I am talking about [and so what's new?] here, but wasn't pulseaudio very
>primitive and very much of "the steam engine era" in Ubuntu 9.04?)
>[And a big, "HELLO!" goes to Ric :-) .]
I am using both 10.04 and 9.04. Pulseaudio has problems with some 
apps but is working well in my situation. I have the sound system 
connected to a server. On the laptops I use pulse audio device 
chooser to connect to the server. When I play media files on the 
laptops the sound comes out of the sound system that is connected to 
the server. The problem is when a laptop user forgets to switch the 
default sink BEFORE playing media files. Then some apps do not behave 
very well and need to be restarted. For my unsophisticated users this 
appears to be a broken system. I would like to have the laptops 
connect their default sink to the server when they boot. I have done 
an extensive search and can not find out what the command and syntax 
is for changing the default sink from the command line or from a 
script. I doubt I am the only person with this problem so I hope 
someone can jump in and point me in the right direction. - Dave

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