Why apple is so popular

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Sat Mar 27 13:19:56 UTC 2010

On 16-03-10 19:09, user1 wrote:
> Talked to my son in usa to day.
> He said, that the main reason apple is so popular in USA is:
> 1. The hardware is very stable and has a very good quality without hardly
> any problems.
> 2. The Graphic is nice to look at.
> 3. Ease of use.
> 4. Very few viruses.
> So my conclusion is that linux is as good as apple except for the
> hardware, which are all kinds of mixed brands and qualities.
> My laptop (not apple) has been to be repaired twice.
> My son has had two laptops (not apple) discarded, and he i now using a
> netbook, which is hardly usable, everything is too small.
> So what is needed for the linux community is a very stable and good
> quality hardware which works together.
> Sorry if this is a little off topic, but it is an important subject.
> Please DO NOT make this a flame war, but think about it.
> I really want to make linux the BEST :-)

Why is this thread on a tech support list? Isn't the sounder list a 
better place to discuss this?

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