Lucid Alfa high CPU usage

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Mar 17 20:22:44 UTC 2010

     I went back to 8.04 from 10.04 when the cpu use was at 99.8% on 
10.04. On 8.04 the CPU was being used at less than 5% most of the time. 
This seemed right and I wondered why the problem on 10.04?

     So I reloaded 10.04 and top told me the cpu usage was less than 5%! 
So I studied the usage when I opened iGoogle and looked at the lack of 
financial news. The usage went up to near 10% but then dropped back. 
Right now it shows about 10% so that is fine.

     Still cannot reproduce the high usage. This must have been an odd 
occurrence. I found 8.04 is still working fine and even the old style 
Thunderbird worked as expected. It took a lot of updates to bring 8.04 
up to snuff...hi

73 Karl

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