read extern drive in ubuntu

Tony Pursell ajp at
Mon Jun 28 20:35:44 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-06-28 at 11:57 -0400, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Yes Tony, I was thinking Open office could read them and then I could 
> save them to a file Widows office could read. I think that is what she 
> uses. Does this work? I assumed the formatting of the writing itself 
> might be lost and then she would have to go through and reformat that 
> like paragraphs , words per line and right or left side justification.  
> Might even have to pick out the sentences out of the lines of 
> formatting??   Doug

Do you know what was used to create the files?  If it was MS Office for
Mac, then OOo will read the .doc files OK. And export them back to .doc.
But if that is the case, all you probably need to do is recover the
files from the disk and send them to the MS Office user.  Sometimes MS
Office won't read its own files, in which case OOo may come to your


> On 06/28/2010 11:10 AM, Tony Pursell wrote:
> > On Mon, 2010-06-28 at 16:02 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> >    
> >> On 28 June 2010 15:38, Douglas Pollard<dougpol1 at>  wrote:
> >>      
> >>> Sorry guys I guess I was not very clear.  She will send me her hard
> >>> drive and I intend to put it in my empty external drive case and read it
> >>> with Ubuntu and copy it.   I can send them by email as files or write to
> >>> dvd and mail to her.  This info is on a pretty small hard drive I think
> >>> as it is old.  Everyone is telling her that she can only get the files
> >>> off and read them with a Mac computer.  I don't know what kind of file
> >>> system Mac uses or if the advice she has been given is correct.  It's my
> >>> understanding that you can put Ubuntu on a Mac and move the personal
> >>> files to Ubuntu.  I just want to be sure I can work with the Mac files
> >>> or convert them to something Ubuntu can work with.        Doug
> >>>        
> >> It's OK, I follow you.
> >>
> >> Yes, it should work.
> >>
> >> Macs use a disk format called HFS (for *very* old Macs) and HFS+ (for
> >> anything since the mid-to-late 1990s). Ubuntu reads HFS+ fine,
> >> straight out of the box in my experience - I did not need to add any
> >> additional software or anything.
> >>
> >> One thing that threw me: if you attach the Mac hard disk, the kernel
> >> will list it and the partitions on it. You might want to take a note
> >> of this.
> >>
> >> With a PC hard disk, you can run "fdisk" or "sfdisk -l" or something
> >> like that to list the partitions on a drive. This won't work on a Mac
> >> drive, because it doesn't have a PC partition map. Mac partition maps
> >> are different, but Ubuntu can read them - it's just that the Ubuntu
> >> partitioning tools can't.
> >>
> >> You should be fine. Plug in the drive and it should mount the disks
> >> and you'll be away. You probably won't need any of this stuff I'm
> >> mentioning.
> >>
> >>      
> > Everyone has concentrated on the file system and assure you that you can
> > mount it an see what files are on it, but how about the format of the
> > files themselves.  You imply that you will want to read them, perhaps
> > with OpenOffice.
> >
> > Tony
> >    

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