Pasting into Google Docs

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Thu Jun 10 20:42:05 UTC 2010

2010/6/10 Pete Vander Giessen <petevg at>:
> Ubuntu uses two clipboards:  a recent implementation that triggers off
> of Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, and a legacy one that triggers off of highlight and
> middle click.  I'm assuming that Google Docs' JavaScript fanciness is
> written to work harmoniously with the former, but not the latter.

    "recent" is slightly misleading. Unfortunately Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V, Shift-Insert
  selection and middle-mouse button are very dependant of the application
  you are using. Whoever decided to port Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V to Linux desktop
  should be hanged.

     Loïc, usually pacifist...

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