Pasting into Google Docs

Pete Vander Giessen petevg at
Thu Jun 10 20:36:02 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:02 AM, Hal Burgiss <hal at> wrote:
> Anybody using Google Docs and have trouble pasting into it? Pasting
> from something like Openoffice using Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V seems to work fine.
> Copy/paste from terminal, vim, gvim does not work at all in either
> Chrome or Firefox, using middle mouse button, Ctrl-v, or shift-insert.
> Current workaround is to copy from terminal, paste into Openoffice and
> from there to Google docs, but that seems unusually stupid.

Google docs used to complain to me about security features in my
browser preventing pasting when I tried to past via keyboard
shortcuts; pasting via the Firefox edit menu worked fine.  With the
new version, it no longer complains about Ctrl-V to paste ... but
you're right, middle clicking to paste something doesn't work.

Ubuntu uses two clipboards:  a recent implementation that triggers off
of Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, and a legacy one that triggers off of highlight and
middle click.  I'm assuming that Google Docs' JavaScript fanciness is
written to work harmoniously with the former, but not the latter.

This is a long way to say that the following works for copying and
pasting text from the terminal:
1)  Highlight the text.
2)  Click the "Edit" dropdown menu, then click "Copy" (this is
assuming that you haven't hidden the dropdown menus in your terminal)
3)  Paste into Google docs via Ctrl-C, or the "Edit" dropdown menu.

I bet somebody could hack together a Greasemonkey script that resolves
the situation more satisfactorily; 'fraid that I don't have time to
poke at it further right now.

~ PeteVG

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