help related to hp plugin 3.02 in Ubuntu 10.04

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sat Jul 17 14:11:40 UTC 2010

Gagan preet wrote:
> I have a HP LaserJet 1020 in which  Printer is automatically detected
> and works fine on: , Windows XP, and older versions of Ubuntu.
> But when I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, when I try to print it just adds
> the job to the print queue and it never prints. Moreover as soon as
> i switch on the printer message displays which shows download
> hplaser jet 1020 plugin . .

> I have tried installing HPLIP following the directions given, but get
> the same behavior (can't communicate with the printer). I have tried
> unplugging the power cord and usb cable and plugging them back in
> (as per the directions I am following). But still not communicating.
> other software works fine in UBUNTU 10.04

I think there is a problem when the printer is detected automatically 
and it will not setup the printer correctly. When following directions 
for installing hplip, did you use the hp-setup command? If you didn't, 
please open a terminal and enter the command

gksu hp-setup

and follow the instructions. The program should download the driver and 
then ask you to accept the EULA.

However, if you then still have communications problems, connect the 
printer directly to a USB 2.0 port without a hub in the line. Then run 
the "gksu hp-setup" command again.


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