screensaver freezes system totally

A. Kromic akromic at
Wed Jul 7 13:56:51 UTC 2010

On 05/07/10 13:25, pete wrote:
> ...
> Namely when the screen-saver has been running for about 20mins it 
> freezes completely, and becomes totally unresponsive, only thing left is 
> a hard reset!
> ...

I have experienced a similar problem, it's 10.04 AMD64, an I use Compiz
and screensaver was 3D; however, my GPU is Intel's. It doesn't really
lock the whole system, just the screen, and even like that, windows
temporarily showed when I used Alt+Tab. They wouldn't stay, but it was
enough to bring up a terminal window and blindly pkill the screensaver...

Best regards,
A. Kromic

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