Could Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) users install some packages in higher Ubuntu versions ?

Tom H tomh0665 at
Tue Jan 26 17:54:37 UTC 2010

> I am a newbie in Ubuntu who uses the 8.04 (Hardy) version. I find that
> my firefox is of version 3.0.17 and I want to install a newer version of it.
> I think that Ubuntu 9.10 may have packaged firefox with a newer version.

> If I want to stay in Hardy, could I use "apt-get" to just install some
> packages in the Ubuntu 9.10 repository ? Is there anything that I could edit
> in the "/etc/apt/source.list" file so as to just fetch and install some
> packages in Ubuntu 9.10 ? Or are there other ways that I could install newer
> version of some of my installed packages ?

I installed lucid's linux-image 2.6.32 and firefox 3.6 on a jaunty box
with the following. You can adapt this to your case but be warned that
I was just messing around so did not care whether I broke anything.
All is well though up to now.

o edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add lucid (if you choose jaunty or
karmic, you will also have to add jaunty-updates or karmic-updates)

o edit /etc/apt/preferences always to prefer jaunty to lucid (if you
choose jaunty or karmic, you will also have to add jaunty-updates and
jaunty-security or karmic-updates and karmic-security):

Package: *
Pin: release a=lucid
Pin-Priority: -10

Package: *
Pin: release a=jaunty
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release a=jaunty-updates
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release a=jaunty-security
Pin-Priority: 900

o run
aptitude update

o run
aptitude purge ubufox firefox firefox-branding firefox-3.0
firefox-3.0-branding firefox-3.5 firefox-3.5-branding

o run
aptitude install -t lucid firefox firefox-branding

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