Will this laptop be compatible with Ubuntu?

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Fri Jan 15 01:06:27 UTC 2010

On Thursday 14 January 2010 11:36:19 am accessys at smart.net wrote:
> you could get a similar computer with Linux natively installed  from
> System 76 (system76.com) and know that it works, not pay for windows and
> support Linux supplier all in one swell foop..
> I'm very please with my System 76 laptop and other than a satisfied
> customer I have no relationship with the company

I have also been well pleased by my Dell 1525n, but Dell needs to offer better 
hardware than is currently available.  They are even now offering a laptop 
with no built-in web cam of all things!  I need a new laptop but I want 
better specs not worse when I upgrade to a newer computer.  I also have 
looked at System 76 but for not having windoze on they seem a bit pricey.  Do 
we STILL have to pay for windoze if it is not even installed on the machine?  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276
http://the-inner-circle.org  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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