Upgrade from 9.04 -> 9.10 Video Failure

Michael Comperchio fazoogled at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 01:35:21 UTC 2010

Funny, but  on my desktop (with NVIDIA) I had no problems (other than UBUNTU
installed the boot loader on the wrong drive. My Fault, forgot I had set the
BIOS to boot from the second drive.). but the Lenovo laptop has Intel

While I'm replying. I have a Happaug tv card in the desktop. wondering how
to get that working. probably should start another thread.





From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Gary Jarrel
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:51 PM
To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
Subject: Re: Upgrade from 9.04 -> 9.10 Video Failure


I've had a similar problem with 9.10 on my desktop and NVIDIA cards, seemed
like there was a problem installing the NVIDIA drivers. 


>From what I remember I had install the NVIDIA drivers in the console (from
the repository) then run the nvidia-xconfig and make sure that the right
drivers were in the xorg.conf


My last reinstall of 9.10 was over the weekend on the desktop, what I did
this time around was save the xorg.conf file from my previous install,
freshly reinstall 9.10, X started using the open source nvidia driver, I
then installed the restricted driver and before the reboot dropped the
previously saved xorg.conf file into /etc/X11.


I have 2 monitors + TV connected to my Desktop, so amongst knowing that my
previous xorg.conf was already working I don't have to run nvidia-settings
and layout all my monitors again. 


Hope this is of some help.






On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Michael Comperchio <fazoogled at gmail.com>

Ok, So I'm back to try Ubuntu again. I have a Lenovo g550 laptop that I want
to play Linux on. I could not install 9.10 from the downloaded media. Ok,
technically it did install, but when the system reboots I get a blank
screen. Apparantly X not working. I can successfully install 9.04. I get X
just fine. So, I got all the available ugrades to 9.04, then decided to do
the whole OS upgrade. and once again no X!


Any Suggestions?




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