Resolved: Everybody SAMBA! redux deux

Emil Payne EHSPayne at
Tue Jan 12 10:07:26 UTC 2010

NoOp wrote:
> On 01/11/2010 07:55 PM, Tom H wrote:
>>>> The OP said earlier that a samba upgrade cleared up his problem.
>>> Not in this thread... unless I missed something.
>> It was in my 'Everybody SAMBA!" thread in gmail but there are two
>> "Everybody SAMBA!" threads in the archive...
> Ah. That explains it. Man I really wish that gmail users (not you of
> course :-) would learn how to set up their accounts so that they stay in
> the same thread. Thanks for the info.

I'm using Thunderbird.  Someone else probably answered the thread using 
gmail and caused the split.

Things I also don't like: Having to switch email encoding because people 
use different ones and Thunderbird can't tell which one is used because 
the header info doesn't tell.  And how different email clients place RE, 
FW, FWD and original subject lines in different positions:

re: subject line
subject line re:
[re] subject line
re: [subject line]

Shouldn't those have been made standards long ago?

by the way, it was an upgrade that came through a day or two ago.  So it 
might have been another upgrade that came a week or month ago that broke 
it.  I don't know when it broke since I don't use samba or networking 
often other than for printing.

Emil  [OP]
Fantasy Football Rules:
   Wands are Offensive.
   Wings are Defensive.

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