software configuration management

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Jan 11 09:57:55 UTC 2010

2010/1/9 Verde Denim <tdldev at>:
> A bit OT, but I'm looking into various source control for software and
> documents related to a software development project. I've searched a bit and
> found that svn, git, and bazaar all run on Ubuntu. I was wondering if there
> is a consensus on one of these (or another) from the members that
> incorporates best practices in SCM. Thanks, as always, for the input.

I would go for git, you may have to persevere somewhat to get the hang
of it but I think it is worth the effort.  If you look at open source
projects I think probably the majority seem to be using that now,
though this is just my impression rather than a rigorous analysis.


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