
Robert Watson poolesgov3000 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 8 09:21:57 UTC 2010

forward this to Ubuntu Users.

From: Emil Payne <EHSPayne at angelwoodpines.org>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Fri, January 8, 2010 1:37:59 AM
Subject: Re: localhost

Rashkae wrote:
>> Dell-Mint
>> Dell-Ubuntu
> There's your problem right there. needs an alias to locahost.
> It should have looked something like this:
>       localhost Dell-Mint
>       Dell-Mint
> or Dell-Ubuntu if you prefer.. how did you change your hostname and
> clobber the hosts file at the same time?

Don't ask me.  I'm real good at doing things like that! =P
Just try following a ton of links via Google and Ubuntu Forums for a
week or two, not really knowing what you are doing ...  Works like a
charm - a bad-luck charm!

currently set to localhost Dell-Mint Dell-Ubuntu

Hostname is set as "Dell-Ubuntu".  Left the "Del-Mint" in case some
little program somewhere is looking for it...

OK, looks like localhost is set to display a root directory.  I'll have
to look around for it.  Should be around /opt/lampp/something...

Now, what would something like: placename placename


If I entered "placename" would it go to the second address since it was
called last?

Is there ever any reason for setting something up like that?

BTW- I did find out my default swat u/p - same as root name and password.

So, now - how do I get lampp (apache2, mysql, php, whatever) to
autostart on computer start?

Coming soon: More SAMBA questions! *yeah*

Fantasy Football Rules:
  Wands are Offensive.
  Wings are Defensive.

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