
NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 6 01:45:03 UTC 2010

On 01/04/2010 11:12 AM, Luca wrote:
> Dir Sir and Madam, 
> I have download your Ubuntu from your Homepage, and install it.
> I have an WLAN with a WPA2-Key with 63 letters like all WPA2-Keys, but
> when I trail to make a WLAN-Relation, and I give in my WLAN-Key, I can't
> klick "Use". But when I zap one letter I can klick "Use". That must be
> an ERROR, because in "Windows XP SP3" will be the WLAN-Key recognized
> and appropriated.
> Nominal that "Windows is better then Ubuntu"
> When the ERROR be not goes away, I will need Windows for ever!!!

[Wireless Network Authentication Required (WPA/WPA2) Dialog]
"re-word message displayed, as it's technically incorrect to talk about
passwords; WPA/WPA2 networks are protected almost always protected by a
passphrase ( 8-63 chars in length ); if the user enters 64 characters,
this is considered a key. "

Indicates that 63 characters should be OK. Perhaps one of the letters
are interpreted as two characters? Don't post the key here (obviously)
but go through the key and see if any of the characters are accented etc.

You might consider filing a bug:
Make up a one-time key that fails and use that as an example to include
in the bug report & then of course change the key immediately afterwards.

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