What is your price on a low-cost LINIX printer?

John Heinen hensandpat at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 1 18:47:20 UTC 2010

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> 	It needs to be said that people who write editors, or have 
> pictures they want to print on a printer have a standard 
> output. This is not what a printer wants.
> 	The printer wants a "standard input" that is defined in 
> detail. And the printers from China and Japan and a few from 
> the USA all need this "standard input".
> 	What is needed is a format changer in our computer, that 
> takes the file from the editor in it's form and converts it to 
> what the printer requires. This software is called "cups" in 
> Ubuntu. I know only that cups works. I print things and it works.
> 	Since cups puts out the proper "standard input", which all 
> the new printer hardware must have, it's easy to see that all 
> new printer hardware will work with Ubuntu.
> 	So if your poor, go to Target or Wal Mart and buy their 
> cheapest printer. If your rich buy a color laser printer. If 
> your me buy a black and white laser printer.
> 	The cheapest printer is an ink-jet type. Be prepared to spend 
> a lot of money for ink. Or learn to fill your own ink holders.
> 	My Wal Mart Brother HL-1440 Laser Printer has cost me $45.00 
> for one new black ink container. I have used this printer hard 
> for 4 years so far. I think new laser printers are quite cheap 
> now, like $80.00.
> 73 Karl
Thanks Karl, Just what I was looking for. John H

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