Partition table was not found

Knapp magick.crow at
Mon Feb 15 10:56:00 UTC 2010

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Steve <yorvik.ubunto at> wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 08:01:23 -0000, Fernando Castillo Ortiz
> <fcastillo at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have an external usb hard disk that it had an unusual behavior, I moved
>> files very slowly and noises. But yesterday when I connect to my laptop ,
>> the partition table was not found , fdisk couldn't find it. I try repair
>> with testdisk without good results. Anybody knows a tool to repair it?
>> Sorry for me English.
>> -----
>> Os comento un poco:
>> Resulta que tengo un disco duro externo usb que últimamente iba muy
>> lento y
>> hacia ruidos raros ... Hasta que ayer de buenas a primeras me dice fdisk
>> -l
>> que no tiene una tabla de particiones válida :S. Conocéis alguna
>> herramienta
>> para recuperar la tabla de particiones? Le di un vistazo rápido con
>> testdiskpero sin éxito alguno.
>> Gracias
> I would suggest if it is was working slowly and making noises, the drive
> is faulty.
> Try Palimpsest Disk Utility, see what that says about your drive.
>        System > Administration > Disk Utility
> --
> Steve

Sounds to me like the  drive is failing. That means that it will do
nothing but get worse!! I hope you have backups. The next step, if you
must save the data on the drive is to use ddrecover (not dd_recover!!)
to make a copy of the drive to a different drive (or better yet just
the data). Then go in with the other programs and work on the copy of
the drive on the new drive to extract your data.

Douglas E Knapp

Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.

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