Partition table was not found

Steve yorvik.ubunto at
Mon Feb 15 10:13:35 UTC 2010

On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 08:01:23 -0000, Fernando Castillo Ortiz  
<fcastillo at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an external usb hard disk that it had an unusual behavior, I moved
> files very slowly and noises. But yesterday when I connect to my laptop ,
> the partition table was not found , fdisk couldn't find it. I try repair
> with testdisk without good results. Anybody knows a tool to repair it?
> Sorry for me English.
> -----
> Os comento un poco:
> Resulta que tengo un disco duro externo usb que últimamente iba muy  
> lento y
> hacia ruidos raros ... Hasta que ayer de buenas a primeras me dice fdisk  
> -l
> que no tiene una tabla de particiones válida :S. Conocéis alguna  
> herramienta
> para recuperar la tabla de particiones? Le di un vistazo rápido con
> testdiskpero sin éxito alguno.
> Gracias
I would suggest if it is was working slowly and making noises, the drive  
is faulty.
Try Palimpsest Disk Utility, see what that says about your drive.

	System > Administration > Disk Utility


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