How to call Tilda so that it opens at once 4 tabs and in the 1st 'mc'?

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Tue Feb 9 16:46:39 UTC 2010

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Detlef Lechner <Detlef.Lechner at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote in System > Preferences > Startup Applications > (Startup
> Applications Preferences) > Startup Programs > Additional Startup
> Programs > 'Edit Startup Program':
> "Name:=Tilda, Command:=/usr/bin/tilda, Comment: Terminalemulator."
> man tilda says: "... Usage:tilda [OPTION...];
> Application Options: -c, --command: Run a command at startup."
> Once after tilda has been started, I can press Ctrl+Shift+T to create
> another tab in tilda.
> How should I modify the command line "Command:=/usr/bin/tilda" in order
> to open automatically not one but four tabs at startup?

>From looking at the source, I don't believe you can. There appears to
be no way for any external code to speak to Tilda once it's running to
pass it a "Open new Tab" other than Tilda trapping a CTRL-SHIFT-T

>From the TODO file:

Future Plans
* DBus-ize Tilda
  This will make Tilda more of a long-running daemon than a terminal. What I
  envision is one Tilda process per user, with one config file, managing all of
  the Tilda windows (individual terminals) that the user wants. Also, expose all
  of the terminal's properties over DBus, so a completely seperate config
  program can be written. Also, things like "open a new tab in terminal 3, and
  launch XYZ in it" should be possible, and easy.

  Unfortunately, to support this, I am thinking about moving away from
  libConfuse, and moving to the built-in GLib key-value parser (INI-like). This
  should allow a config file like:

You could try dropping a mail to the author or raise a feature request
on Sourceforge.

When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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