basic - continued

xinchen xinchen97 at
Fri Feb 5 17:50:04 UTC 2010

> I have found the following main differences between Windows & Linux.
> Please note that this is strictly a layman's point of view:
> 1) Windows is very unstable compared to Linux (i.e. more periodic
> crashes);
> 2) Windows is much more prone to viruses and constantly needs updated
> antivirus protection, whilst LINUX does not;
> 3) Windows is more resource (memory, RAM etc) greedy and demands
> higher
> specs to run efficiently. Linux, on the other hand, is much faster and
> has a far more efficient file hierarchical system;
> 4) Windows XP costs approx $100 and MS Office Pro costs approx. $400.
> This means that one would have to spend at least US$500 just to start
> using a PC, whilst UBUNTU + Open office costs nothing except perhaps
> the
> charges incurred for the internet access for downloads;
> 5) Windows always seems to needs huge Service Packs (SP1/SP2/SP3) to
> patch up post release shortfalls which should not really have been
> allowed in the first place. Linux updates tend to be much smaller and
> bandwidth friendly.
> 6) Try opening a docx file with Word 2003 and you'll run into new
> levels
> of frustration, but try doing the same with the OO Word processor and
> you'll be pleasantly surprised. There is a marked lack of backward
> compatibility in Microsoft products, which militates against parts of
> the world who do not have ready access to latest releases.
> There are many more differences but I thought that the above would be
> worth mentioning in this forum.

there are different views
1.No, Windows is very stable 
2.No, windows more popular than linux so Windows is much more prone to
viruses. quite a few computer user use linux. 
4. yes. but you can get technical support  directly from Microsoft
support center but if you use linux ,you can only get help from
mail-list or network.
6.No,  although I've been using openoffice for a long time.I do have to
say word is powerful and better than openoffice, in my experience.

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