External dialup modem instructions for Maverick

squareyes squareyes at internode.on.net
Sun Dec 19 02:48:41 UTC 2010

On 19/12/10 05:16, Richard Owlett wrote:
> Help me escape from Windows(tm) ;/
> I have a fine external modem connected via RS232 on Com1.
> I wish to connect to internet.
> *HOW?*
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community etc sends one in spirals and is
> evidently dated.
> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html
> states:
> "... Many more configurations are possible, including dialup PPP
> interfaces, IPv6 networking, VPN devices, etc. Refer to man 5
> interfaces  for more information and supported options. ..."
> *NO* link given for man page(s) :<
try in terminal
sudo pppconfig
leave provider as is , when done if you left "provider" untouched
connect with  pon in terminal  poff to disconnect

Hope this helps

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