firefox broken

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Dec 9 16:00:29 UTC 2010

On 9 December 2010 15:37, Dave Howorth <dhoworth at> wrote:
> Colin Law wrote:
>> On 8 December 2010 17:16, Dave Howorth <dhoworth at> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I interpreted "run remotely from the third
>>> machine" to mean run firefox on the third machine with it displayed on
>>> my desktop. The third machine is a headless server so the reverse case
>>> that you suggest is not possible.
>> OK, have you tried the case of running FF on the Ubuntu m/c from your
>> desktop, but logged on (to both desktop and remote) as a different
>> user?
> I haven't no. It would be a sensible test but my desktop stays logged in
> from when it is booted until it (or most usually the mains) fails.
> Reconstructing my desktop state is a pain :(

I know you have sorted the problem, but just for completeness, it is
possible to switch user without logging off.  Just select the user
from the power off drop down.  Then you can switch back to yourself
without losing state.


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