firefox broken

Franz Waldmüller waldbauernbub at
Wed Dec 8 22:51:09 UTC 2010

Hi Dave,

Hi Colin,

Am 2010-12-08 12:34, schrieb Dave Howorth:
> Colin Law wrote:
>> I am losing track of what is going on here with the various machines
>> and where the error is occurring.  Can you summarise the state of play
>> in terms of what works where.  Also I am now not sure what you mean by
>> running it remotely.  Could you clarify this also.
> Hi Colin,
> I have a desktop machine that I sit in front of and normally use its
> keyboard and screen.
> I have another machine running Ubuntu 10.04. When I want to run
> applications on that machine, I ssh into it and execute the application.
> That's what I mean by running it remotely.
> There is one specific combination that causes grief, which is running
> firefox on the ubuntu machine using my own userid/profile and displaying
>   on my desktop machine.
> All other combinations appear to work normally, including running
> locally on the ubuntu machine, locally on my desktop, remotely from a
> third machine, as another user etc. My desktop and the third machine run
> opensuse.
> The ubuntu machine used to work properly in the specific combination
> that now causes grief. Hence my desire to unwind the most recent update.
> Cheers, Dave
When you launch firefox on the remote machine, try using this command:
firefox -no-remote

When firefox is already running on the local machine, launching firefox 
on the remote machine, just opens a new local instance. Using the given 
command, firefox is launched on the server.

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