firefox broken

Dave Howorth dhoworth at
Thu Dec 9 15:37:56 UTC 2010

Colin Law wrote:
> On 8 December 2010 17:16, Dave Howorth <dhoworth at> wrote:
>> [...]
>> Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I interpreted "run remotely from the third
>> machine" to mean run firefox on the third machine with it displayed on
>> my desktop. The third machine is a headless server so the reverse case
>> that you suggest is not possible.
> OK, have you tried the case of running FF on the Ubuntu m/c from your
> desktop, but logged on (to both desktop and remote) as a different
> user?

I haven't no. It would be a sensible test but my desktop stays logged in
from when it is booted until it (or most usually the mains) fails.
Reconstructing my desktop state is a pain :(

But see my reply to Franz.

Cheers, Dave

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