Ubuntu or Red-Hat for servers?

Angus MacGyver macgyver at calibre-solutions.co.uk
Wed Aug 25 22:39:47 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-08-25 at 19:31 +0100, Hakan Koseoglu wrote:
> On 25 August 2010 19:09, Angus MacGyver
> <macgyver at calibre-solutions.co.uk> wrote:
> > As for Centos .... spit.
> > Wouldn't touch it with the dirty end of someone else's toilet brush.
> I have a couple of comments on some bits of your last mail.
> CentOS has nothing to do with Fedora.

You mean the stuff that is in Fedora isn't used a test for RHEL ?
Come on.. that's why it exists..
... which in turn goes to Centos..

>  I'm suprised that yo\u say RHEL
> is OK in one paragraph and then bad mouth CentOS when they're the same
> code & patch, just compiled & packaged by different entities.

In theory..
It's why I actually gave CENTOS a go after using RHEL.
RHEL has been stable every time I've used it - CENTOS hasn't - and that
for a server, or a workstation I rely on, is *the* critical difference.

I can also shout at someone I *PAY* for support for RHEL when/if it does
go wrong - but when CENTOS dies (which was all toooo regularly), can I
do the same ? NO..

Can I do the same with Ubuntu - yes, if I pay for the support.

This question was also originally about what "what would you use?" so I
said, and again, give reason - based on my experience.

> Saying RHEL is very slow to get the latest stuff is like complaining
> latest version of PHP is not available on 8.04 LTS - since RHEL has
> similar long term maintenance stability. RHEL 5 is actually a year
> older from 8.04LTS, from 2007. RHEL6 will be coming out soon. Although
> it is a problem to get the latest stuff running out of the box, there
> are repositories to use backported packages.

But what it shipped with was pretty ancient anyways..
I remember a guy doing some playing with RHEL to further his training at
work(which we use and have support for, so was latest we could get at
the time), and had to go round the houses to get a decent version of
PHP, because what he wanted to install required a *MAJOR* version

> -- 
> Hakan (m1fcj) - http://www.hititgunesi.org

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