Ubuntu or Red-Hat for servers?

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Thu Aug 26 19:34:25 UTC 2010

My .02 on the whole CentOS bit:
> I find the CentOS list members to be very helpful and very
> knowledgeable, even when it comes to virtualization. They are also
> strict about what is posted; they would certainly not tolerate
> some/many of the threads that we have here.

+1 and well put.

I've been quite happy with CentOS on my servers.  Even happier that I 
have Ubuntu on my desktop and laptops, as I hated fighting with CentOS 
with newer hardware/software.  It is what it is intended to be. Rock 
Solid Server Platform and a true binary compatible version of the 
upstream product.  Considering that it is an entirely voluntary effort, 
it makes one pause and appreciate the true sense of open source and open 

That is not to say anything negative about Ubuntu Server or Debian 
Stable simply because I have no experience with either, though their 
good reputation does say something positive.

The CentOS mailing list has been a great source of information, 
assistance and education for me over the years.  I don't post often 
there (with a similar paradigm in my email address there, as here - in 
case there's any question as to who I am), but when I have, I've always 
been answered with positive assistance and no attitude.

The IRC channel...well, lets just say that's IRC.  I prefer the mailing 
lists for my own reasons.


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