Questions for all programmers willing to help a beginner

Knapp magick.crow at
Fri Apr 30 09:12:56 UTC 2010

The more I think about it the more I think about you saying that you
don,t care about money.

Lets think of some top copmuter people,
Gates, Harvard University
Shuttleworth,  Business Science degree in Finance and Information
Systems at the University of Cape Town
Jobs, auditing classes at Reed
Sergey Brin, Stanford University (M.S., 1995)
Larry Page, Stanford University

Are you starting to see something, all rich, all did at least some uni
but more importantly they mostly all got into the very TOP Unis. You
don,t do that without study.

More, they are all CEOs!!!! They all are great at marketing, sales,
starting new firms, running a firm, managing people and being

With every computer book you read read at least one on being a leader,
entrepreneur, public speaking, open source leadership, motivation, PR,
money investing, banking, sales or the like!

Is Shuttleworth your hero, he paid for a flight to space out of
pocket!!! His skills as an entrepreneur is why you are here and not
with MS or Debian!

Get  a hero and do what they did!
Douglas E Knapp

Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.

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