Gnome borked after recent Lucid updates
Johnneylee Rollins
johnneylee.rollins at
Fri Apr 9 20:22:53 UTC 2010
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Ants Pants <antsmailinglist at> wrote:
> Well Liam, I actually don;t want my real name on the internet if you don;t
> mind and I'm sorry if an old nickname has stuck. I'll try to be more mature
> in the future .... just to please you.
> I won't go into what sort of a lecturing person I think you are as I'm way
> too polite.
> Have a lovely weekend, old man.
> On 9 April 2010 19:41, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:05 PM, Ants Pants <antsmailinglist at>
>> wrote:
>> > Errrrrrm, thank you, Liam.
>> >
>> > I'm totally aware of what this is. I'm not a noob. I happen to be a
>> > linux
>> > user of 10 years.
>> Good for you. I'd been using it for 4 then, and Unix for a decade
>> before that. Your point is?
>> And FWIW, posting with such a childish pseudonym makes *me* think
>> "gods, another n00b". I can't speak for anyone else, but "Ants Pants"
>> as a username does not make me think "mature, sensible user with a
>> grievance", it strongly suggests "11Y old who is playing about". Which
>> is fine, but is what prompted the tone of my reply.
>> > I've posted a message to stop other people from upgrading until things
>> > are
>> > sorted. I'm sorry if I'm trying to help but call me old fashioned.
>> When one is testing beta code, generally, one grabs every update
>> going. That's what beta-testing tends to /mean/ in terms of FOSS. Then
>> when problems happen, you report it and wait for another update to fix
>> it.
>> > It's also to bring it to the attention of the developers. My comment of
>> > "what a terible update" meant that what has gone wrong is a pretty
>> > obvious
>> > big thing and not that it should be production ready or that I'm
>> > expecting
>> > that.
>> Well, fair enough.
Liam & Ants: Why so much testosterone?
I'd be more concerned with actual support instead of whining about
names and ages. Ageism isn't in line with the guidelines. <- these aren't just arbitrarily
made rules. And they aren't optional.
Liam: This is a community, one that isn't elitist or discriminatory.
His name isn't offensive, and doesn't break guidelines.
Ants :You don't need to respond to criticism with a even more personal remark.
About the "telling people not to update", Liam is perfectly correct.
The whole idea of alpha/beta testing isn't to provide users with a
sneak peek so much as it is to help get a junkton of alpha/beta
testers to appropriately report breaks and bugs.
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