Saving Xsession for the Love of 'keycode 66 = Caps_Lock'

Minty Busby serendipity.g3a at
Mon Sep 14 15:12:44 UTC 2009

I'm so sorry about all this.  A thought just occurred to me while I was out
making breakfast.  The Colemak layout is designed without a caps lock key.
 It seems to me that it may have also been designed without output for the
rest of the keys while caps lock, a non-existant key, is engaged.  If this
is the case, I'll either have to go learn how to create a Linux keyboard
layout (or hopefully edit one) or just live with no caps lock key.  Maybe I
could design a weight that fits over the shift key and holds it down while I
type product keys.  It may be a caveman solution, but I could make it look
really cool and modern despite its caveman function =)
Sorry everybody.  I learned a lot, so your time wasn't wasted on me.  I hope
you don't feel it was.  I appreciate your help.  At least I can mount my
drive automatically at start up now!
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