Saving Xsession for the Love of 'keycode 66 = Caps_Lock'

Minty Busby serendipity.g3a at
Mon Sep 14 14:35:45 UTC 2009

Oh, nobody told me that one.
My caps lock key still acts like the backspace key.  Is it possible that the
keyboard layout is loaded AFTER /etc/rc.local?

Or considering the email I just got, did sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local
actually not enable the script?  Maybe I should try adding this line to a
script that's already enabled.  But that would do no good if it isn't
executed AFTER the keyboard layout.

Maybe this is just getting way too complicated for the little thing I'm
trying to do, which is to undo the change my keyboard layout made to my caps
lock key.  Is there perhaps some way to simply edit the keyboard layout so
my caps lock key stays a caps lock key and never becomes a backspace key to
begin with?
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