Vista kills Ubuntu wireless

Shahar Dag dag at
Thu Sep 3 12:30:25 UTC 2009

I have an idea: by a second wireless card just for ubuntu ;-)

now to be more serious, try to install a new external wireless card & see if you can work with it.
If it is working you can continue to blame vista
if it is not working I thing that something in your system is miss-configured

good luck
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Young 
  To: tuxman at ; Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions 
  Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 6:20 AM
  Subject: Re: Vista kills Ubuntu wireless

  Young wrote: 
    NoOp wrote: 
On 09/02/2009 05:49 PM, Young wrote:
  I'm downloading the 64 bit version now, so I think I'll try to get it 
installed before I continue working on this.
I was reading about wicd and it looks pretty good, I think I'll switch 
to it, even if this new install works.

You can install the 64-bit version if you wish, but I suspect that
installing 64-bit will not resolve the basic wifi setup you need to do
to get your wifi running.  You'll also likely also run into 64-bit
issues as shown in the archives on this list (flash, etc).

I'd recommend that you get the wifi & other bits working in 32-bit with
the existing install first & then if you wish to reinstall w/64-bit do
so. Afterall if you are going to trash the 32-bit install anyway, now is
a very good time to experiment away.

  Too late, I already started.
    As for the 64 bit issue, I've been using the 64 bit version of 8.04 for over a year on a homebuilt desktop without any real issues. I guess it matters which programs you're partial to, and what you expect from them.

    I didn't really plan to use the 32 bit version anyway. It was just a matter of having a new toy :)

    I'll let you know soon how it goes. The install is just finishing.


  Installed all 219 updates, and rebooted.

  The Network Manager Applet sees the wireless router and I get to log in with the password, and then it just doesn't work.

  I think that's enough for today. Tomorrow I'll try wicd.



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