Distribution Upgrade Help Needed

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Mon Sep 28 23:15:46 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 14:28 -0500, Kenneth Loafman wrote:
> Rich Shepard wrote:
> >    My wife's laptop is currently running xubuntu-8.04. I just finished
> > upgrading all installed packages using Synaptic. However, it did not offer
> > me the option of upgrading the entire distribution to 9.04 and I don't see a
> > menu option to do so. I run Slackware on our other hosts so I have no idea
> > how to upgrade the distribution from within the GUI.
> > 
> >    Should I su to root in a vitural console and run 'apt-get distribution
> > upgrade' or take a different approach?
> System / Administration / Software Sources / Updates tab at the bottom 
> has a Release Upgrade section; select "Normal releases", then run Update 
> Manager and it will let you upgrade via the GUI.  I've gone from Dapper 
> to Jaunty (one at a time) using that process and it works well.


The reason it didnt automatically prompt you, is because the LTS
releases (like 8.04) default to only upgrade to the next LTS release.
This is helpful for people who dont like changing things every 6 months
(and for places that want to sell ubuntu on new computers as a
pre-install), but not so good for people who want to stay on the
bleeding edge of whats available (like you, I presume). 

But, on the off chance that you dont want to go through the process of
upgrading to 8.10, then to 9.04, (then to 9.10 in a month or so) since
you cant jump normal releases... you could just wait for then next LTS
release, which is going to be 10.04 (or next april) then upgrade
directly to that LTS release (since LTS installs can go from LTS to LTS
release).  Then, if you want to keep with the regular release cycle, you
can change the update manager then, and keep with the 6-month cycle from
then on.

Just my 0.02

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