Ubuntu Full Fram Viodeo Viewer

Max Freitag maxfreitag at ymail.com
Fri Sep 18 11:44:02 UTC 2009


i use a Firefox-Plugin (DownloadHelper) to download (and convert) youtube 
videos and this files can be shown with all Players for Linux, also in 


Am Freitag, 18. September 2009 03:06:22 schrieb Mark C. Miller:
> I'm a classroom teacher with a dual boot Windows/Ubuntu system.  I have
> several short videos from You tube (Huck Finn in 4 minutes is great!).
> When I can get them to work at all in Ubuntu (which is rare), the picture
> size is restricted. If I show them in Windows XP I get a full frame
> reproduction through Windows Media Player. On the Ubuntu side I've
> tried:  xine, vlc media player, MPlayer Movie Player, and movie player.
> Is there another player for Ubuntu 9.04 (soon to be 9.10) that will
> handle flv and/or mpeg files and display them full screen a'la Windows?
> tnx
> mcm
> --
> Mark C. Miller

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