Ubuntu Full Fram Viodeo Viewer

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 11:24:21 UTC 2009

Mark C. Miller wrote:
> I'm a classroom teacher with a dual boot Windows/Ubuntu system.  I have 
> several short videos from You tube (Huck Finn in 4 minutes is great!).  
> When I can get them to work at all in Ubuntu (which is rare), the picture 
> size is restricted. If I show them in Windows XP I get a full frame 
> reproduction through Windows Media Player. On the Ubuntu side I've 
> tried:  xine, vlc media player, MPlayer Movie Player, and movie player.  
> Is there another player for Ubuntu 9.04 (soon to be 9.10) that will 
> handle flv and/or mpeg files and display them full screen a'la Windows?
> tnx
> mcm
	I have no idea what your Huck Finn movie is, that is to say I am not 
sure I could get it as a file that VLC on Ubuntu could view. I have VLC 
and I added the secret codex so it can display DVD movies and I do this 
often full screen.

	The windows .wmv files I watch with VLC and there are some others like 
the .mpg which VLC displays just fine in full screen.

	I think you need to play with VLC and see if you can learn to use it. 
Click on Video and then Full Screen and see how that works.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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