Ubuntu Professionals Forum?

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de
Mon Sep 14 05:57:19 UTC 2009

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 00:54 -0400, Tim Tebbit wrote:
> Trent Murray wrote:
> > yeah after looking it doesnt seem to be for network/server
> > professionals.  I think a forum of this type is definately needed as
> > most of the 'noise' in the above forums appears to be for domestic and
> > enthusiasts.
> >  
> > Im surprised that Canonical/Ubuntu doesnt have such a forum.
> >  
> > Trent
> Lead from the front. Bringing interesting problems to this list is a
> sure way to attract those who enjoy working through them. And
> enlightening the rest of the audience in the process.

After some weeks of lurking around here, I doubt it will work.  I'm
thinking about installing a HTML scrubber on my MX and find a means to
evaluate my scores file there too, maybe I'll implement that as a
postfix transport :).

> I do agree enough threads started here are completely meaningless and
> uninteresting to the advanced user. I suggest monitoring debian-user.
> They seem to have a more advanced user base than this list. And while
> everything won't be interchangeable a lot of it will get you in the
> right direction at least.

I experienced sth different when erroneously asking a complicated MTA
question on d-u some weeks ago, it ended up with ppl shouting "Exim can"
and me explaining others basic MTA, MDA and MUA stuff.  

Way too many ppl don't think to the end (a germanism) before hitting
the send button.  I don't really complain because I am commiting the
same deed often enough.

>                             Don't however, take ubuntu questions
> there.  You'll surely be directed back here.

... rightously and not always very friendly (after all they are not
bound by the CoC).

my 2ยข
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