Ubuntu Professionals Forum?

Tim Tebbit ttebbit at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 04:54:41 UTC 2009

Trent Murray wrote:
> yeah after looking it doesnt seem to be for network/server
> professionals.  I think a forum of this type is definately needed as
> most of the 'noise' in the above forums appears to be for domestic and
> enthusiasts.
> Im surprised that Canonical/Ubuntu doesnt have such a forum.
> Trent

Lead from the front. Bringing interesting problems to this list is a
sure way to attract those who enjoy working through them. And
enlightening the rest of the audience in the process.

I do agree enough threads started here are completely meaningless and
uninteresting to the advanced user. I suggest monitoring debian-user.
They seem to have a more advanced user base than this list. And while
everything won't be interchangeable a lot of it will get you in the
right direction at least. Don't however, take ubuntu questions there.
You'll surely be directed back here.

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