Ubuntu Professionals Forum?

Tim Tebbit ttebbit at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 06:22:19 UTC 2009

Siggy Brentrup wrote:
> After some weeks of lurking around here, I doubt it will work.  I'm
> thinking about installing a HTML scrubber on my MX and find a means to
> evaluate my scores file there too, maybe I'll implement that as a
> postfix transport :).

Procmail will happily scrub them out. Replace /tmp/html with /dev/null
if you really hate them.

# html only message
* ^Content-Type:.*text/html

# regular multipart/alternative (html or richtext)
* ^Content-Type: multipart/(alternative|mixed|related)

# condition for messages exceeding 20K in size
* > 20000

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