top and bottom posting

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Sep 10 17:45:40 UTC 2009

R Kimber wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 14:28:44 +0100
> Chris Jones wrote:
>> > The GMail client on Android won't let you bottom-post, so far as I can
>> > work out. It provides a text box into which to put your response, to
>> > which the quoted text is appended.
>> Thats pretty piss poor. Someone who actually use these things should
>> complain to google.
> I'm guessing they do it that way because most companies (certainly the
> ones I've dealt with) do it that way, not because they design the stuff
> poorly, but because they have a different approach to information. 

But that's an entirely different use-case from a mailing list.  It's 
analogous to their snail-mail habit of stapling copies of all prior 
correspondence to the back of their reply.  This is not a bad idea in 
business mail, but it's a lousy way to carry on a discussion.

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