Problem with compiz cube

Massimiliano Ziccardi massimiliano.ziccardi at
Thu Sep 10 16:43:27 UTC 2009

This is an endless discussion, so this will be my last post about this

The ubuntu site says:

ubuntu-users <> -
Ubuntu *user technical support*, not for general discussions

>1. Compiz is eye candy and not really of much use, especially for an,
>  "experienced user."

I don't agree.

>2. Some of the Ubuntu team appear on the list from time to time.  Only
>  one (Oliver Grawert) is what you might call a regular.

This is not nice. It makes me prefer other distributions (Gentoo is very
well supported FOR FREE)

>3. Ubuntu is a free OS.  The 'official' support, OTOH, is a pay-for
>  thing.

As I told, I think it's an ethic issue.
I didn't ask for continuous official support: just a tip for a problem.

>4. This list is made up of, as the name says, users.

I thought it was made up *for* users

>5. Compiz has recently been in a constant state of change.  That
>  wallpaper setting is still fairly recent and not all Compiz users
>  use it.

One more reason to support it

>6. There is more than this one method of getting support from other
>  users.

Maybe. This one didn't work very well.

>7. I (and many more, I'm sure) have asked numerous questions here that
>  went unanswered for a much longer time than you waited.

This, again, is not nice.

>8. Not every member reads every post every day.

Nothink to say here :-)

>9. You get what you pay for.

So, if I don't pay I should get nothing: neither ubuntu. How did I get it?
If you offer free software, ethic impose you to support it for free.
Of course, if you are not able to solve the problem it's not a problem, but
you must try.
If you don't want to support it, don't even offer it.

>10.As always with Linux, "If you break it you get to keep both pieces."

I didn't break it. It was already broken: I had to work very much to make it
work 'couse it had many problem with my intel card. And then this issue!

Ubuntu disappointed me a lot.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Cybe R. Wizard <cyber_wizard at
> wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:34:30 +0200
> Massimiliano Ziccardi <massimiliano.ziccardi at> wrote:
> > Once again: it was a quite simple and obvious problem for an
> > experienced user - someone of the ubuntu team should have at least
> > tried to help me. Do they partecipate to their mailing list?
> 1. Compiz is eye candy and not really of much use, especially for an,
>   "experienced user."
> 2. Some of the Ubuntu team appear on the list from time to time.  Only
>   one (Oliver Grawert) is what you might call a regular.
> 3. Ubuntu is a free OS.  The 'official' support, OTOH, is a pay-for
>   thing.
> 4. This list is made up of, as the name says, users.
> 5. Compiz has recently been in a constant state of change.  That
>   wallpaper setting is still fairly recent and not all Compiz users
>   use it.
> 6. There is more than this one method of getting support from other
>   users.
> 7. I (and many more, I'm sure) have asked numerous questions here that
>   went unanswered for a much longer time than you waited.
> 8. Not every member reads every post every day.
> 9. You get what you pay for.
> 10.As always with Linux, "If you break it you get to keep both pieces."
> As Peter Noone once sang, " ain't no good to whine."
> And, BTW, I'm sorry I didn't step in and attempt to answer your query;
> I think I may have been able to help you out.  (I'm not an,
> "experienced user," but I /do/ love the eye candy!)
> But I /am/ glad you got it all sorted.
> Cybe R. Wizard
> --
> When Windows are opened the bugs come in.
>        Winduhs
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