USB boot

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at
Mon Sep 7 21:31:57 UTC 2009


I'm building a new box.
A lot of the hardware really needs .22
So I'm trying Mythbuntu 9.10 alpha 5

But I don't think I even have the right installer booting,

Gave up on booting from cd the drives were awfully dusty,
when I pulled them of the shelf.  Have new dvd writer on
order but it's not here yet.

Downloaded the 64bit mythbuntu 9.10 alpha 5 iso to a 32-bit jaunty box.
Did a

     System -> Administration -> USB Starter Disk Creator

Used the mythbuntu 9.10 (Karminc Koala) alpha 5 iso as the
source iso.  Built a USB boot disk.

But it looks like Jaunty install.  It sets up the Jaunty repositories
for updates.

I know a lot of cosmetics on a alpha look like the previous release,
but I'd expect it to use the Karmic repos by now.

Is this the right way to build a karmic usb installer?

Drew Einhorn

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