question about mailing lists license ,

Derek Broughton derek at
Fri Oct 30 15:06:50 UTC 2009

a dehqan wrote:

> In The Name Of God The compassionate merciful

Look, that's getting really annoying.  Please don't inflict your religion on 

> Why don't you read question exactly ?

We did but you don't want to listen.

> question is ubuntu mailing license , does it have any licnese if yes , 

No, it doesn't.  If it did, it would be irrelevant, because no list server 
or archive can change _my_ ownership of the words I've posted there.

> Is
> it against to a mailing list license if *someone who gives answer allows*
> that his/her notes/answers to be copied into a non-free book ?

No.  But it IS a matter of copyright law, which means that you still need to 
get _written_ permission from every such person to use their content.

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