question about mailing lists license ,

David Curtis dcurtis at
Thu Oct 29 08:41:34 UTC 2009

On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:14:20 +0330
a dehqan <dehqan65 at> wrote:

> In The Name Of God The compassionate merciful
> Good day everyone ;
> Is it against to a mailing list license if someone allows that his/her
> notes/answers to be copied into a non-free book ?

How can you be assured of the veracity of the answer? The individuals
who participate are most likely _not_ Ubuntu/Linux gurus. Although
they may have excellent experience some answers lack thoroughness or are
just plain wrong. I and a lot of others have been guilty of both. 

If I read your previous posts correctly, you believe the participants
on this list directly represent Ubuntu and/or Canonical, this is

Aside from the above, please google "email and copyright" for tons of
information about legal use of online works.


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