question about mailing lists license ,

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at
Fri Oct 30 00:44:48 UTC 2009

On Thu, October 29, 2009 12:19, a dehqan wrote:
> In The Name Of God The compassionate merciful

In The Name Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, May His Noodly Appendage
Touch You

> Why don't you read question exactly ?

Don't tell people that they didn't read your question exactly if you can't
write proper English.

Item 5 of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct says:
"When you are unsure, ask for help"

If you have problems with English, ask a translator to help you. If not,
than you will have to accept that you will be misunderstood if you don't
ask very precise questions.
You could also ask on a local language list.

> question is ubuntu mailing license , does it have any licnese

The mailing list software is Mailman and that is covered by some version
of the General Public License.

> if yes , Is it against to a mailing list license if *someone who gives
> answer allows* that his/her notes/answers to be copied into a non-free
> book ?

When speaking about the mails *on* the list, you're not asking about a
license but about copyright and fair usage. This is a *public* mailing
list. It is automatically published and republished on several websites.
That means that you can also republish it wherever you want, but you
cannot claim exclusive rights. You cannot forbid that someone else will
also publish something that you found on a public mailing list.

> so ownr of answer allow but his answer passes through mailing list server

For more legalese, see

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