boot loader not installed

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sun Oct 25 19:37:45 UTC 2009

On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM,  <fyrbrds at> wrote:
> I tried to install ubuntu 9.10 beta. It completes the install but does not
> install grub. I boot with other boot cds or with easy bcd and these can find
> grub no where. Why would ubuntu think it made a proper install without a
> boot loader?
> I have tried installing it 5 times on different drives and different
> partition schemes with the same result.
> I want a dual boot config. I have Windows Vista on a 500GB drive (hd0)
> 300GB NTFS (hd1)
> 300GB Nvidia SW RAID w/ 3x WD Raptor 150 (hd2)
> Tried installing on hd2 3 times. Finally read pages with information leading
> every which way.
> Tried hd0 twice. hd0 has 160G Vista partition. I set up a 40G /home, 12G
> swp, 4G /tmp, and 80G / (sda8)
> All attempts to boot this config after install have failed. The Vista boot
> loader remains intact.
> I tried NeoGrub and the Super grub Boot cd. No grub install found anywhere.
> Last question: Is there a way to boot to a command prompt with the live cd
> for repairs? The live cd gnome terminal is practically blind-mute.

Forgot in my last email:

"Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD" is at about 75% down the page.

I would "sudo su -" to avoid all the sudos.

You will also need to run
aptitude update
aptitude install grub-pc grub-common
after the chroot.

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