finding the repositories for 9.10 so that I can put them in /etc/apt/sources.list for an upgrade

bqz69 bqz69 at
Tue Oct 20 22:27:16 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 21 October 2009 12:21:06 am Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote:
> On Tue, October 20, 2009 23:11, Scott Berry wrote:
> > Hello there,
> >
> > I am having trouble reading the update-manager screen when I try to
> > update to Ubuntu 9.10.    I would like to have a link where I can look
> > at a list of the repos for Ubuntu 9.10 so that I can put them in to the
> > sources.list.  thanks much.
> If you want to upgrade and update-manager does not work, do the following:
> * go to a console
> * type the following:
> sudo pkill update-manager
> sudo do-release-upgrade -d
> The first command will terminate any instances of update-manager that are
> still running.
> The second command will first calculate what has to be changed for the
> upgrade. It will show you what it will install, upgrade and remove. If you
> don't like what it is doing, it will revert any changes to sources.list.
> If you need more help, put your sources.list online.

I tried to google, and found this:

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