Need libraries that don't seem to be available through ubuntu!

David N. Lombard dnl at
Sat Oct 17 22:38:38 UTC 2009

Pete Clapham wrote:
> Pete Clapham wrote:
>> Hi, all --
>> I am trying to load a commercial application that evidently requires 
>> the following libraries:  ** and **.  These 
>> don't seem to be available on the Ubuntu apt-get site.  Does anybody 
>> have an idea of where I can get these libraries?
>> Thanks.
>> cheers,
>> pete
> Some of the responses to my original post are quite interesting.  I did 
> google both of these and discovered that they were commercial apps, but 
> asked (reasonably, I think) whether they could be obtained from open 
> sources.  In fact, the commercial application I am using supports SuSE 
> and RedHat.  I suspect that these distros include these libraries.  
> Frankly, I prefer Ubuntu.  I would rather use Ubuntu.  If I have to use 
> SuSE or RedHat, I will.  But I am running 5 other servers on Ubuntu, and 
> I'd rather run a single distro.  I don't blame the developer of the 
> software, as they are ready and willing to support their application on 
> SuSE and RedHat.  In fact, they are trying valiantly to support me on 
> Ubuntu as well.  I simply wanted to know if anybody had had experience 
> with these libraries and knew where I could easily get them. 

Again, the app vendor *should* have provided these libraries with their 
app.  Commercial runtime libraries are often not available for download. 
    While I doubt any distro provides them, I could well be mistaken.

Ask the vendor for these libraries.  If they claim they can't provide 
them, then you need to consider the added cost of obtaining these 
libraries from the library vendors when you evaluate the primary app 
you're trying to use.

David N. Lombard

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