Need libraries that don't seem to be available through ubuntu!

David Fox dfox94085 at
Sat Oct 17 22:47:54 UTC 2009

> Some of the responses to my original post are quite interesting.  I did
> google both of these and discovered that they were commercial apps, butr

It's a perfectly reasonable question to ask. However, both the
distributions you mention have commercial licensing options and free
options. The more relevant issue here is whether or not one requires a
commercial license for these libraries, and whether the distributions
in question (either RedHat or Suse) offers (or can legitimately offer)
these libraries in a 100% GPL style distribution. It has been a very
long time since I used RedHat (switched from that to Mandrake circa
2001) and I've never used Suse.

Either or both of them may have contractual issues that alow them to
provide these libraries that Ubuntu cannot.

The typical thing to do with Ubuntu on sometthing like this is to see
if a "restricted" repository such as medibuntu has it.

OSS availability was of course a perfectly reasonable question to ask, however.

thanks for letting me change the magnetic patterns on your hard disk.

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