Quality of Ubuntu List

Graham Watkins shellycat.gw at ntlworld.com
Sat Oct 10 16:38:23 UTC 2009

David McNally wrote:
> Hi again.
> Just to clarify, I did not really say anything about Windows forums. 
> Back when I used Windows and couldn't get help from Microsoft, I 
> joined one of those forums and recieved no useful help, and only 
> recieved replies about how little I knew about Windows and how stupid 
> I was for not being able to figure out where Microsoft moved all of 
> the control panel settings in Vista. (Remember, of course, that these 
> Windows users are probably trying to find the "Any" key on their 
> keyboard.)
> When I started running into problems in Ubuntu, I ran across this 
> mailing list. After reading about how much closer Linux users were as 
> a community, I decided it couldn't be as useless as Windows forums I 
> had tried in the past. Lo and behold, years later, I have never had an 
> unsolved problem, thanks to this great mailing list.
> So, yes, there are Windows mailing lists. What makes a mailing list 
> good is the people who use it. The people here are much nicer than the 
> people on any Windows forums or mailing lists.
> Thanks.
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:53 AM, Trent Murray <trent at guardianit.com.au 
> <mailto:trent at guardianit.com.au>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     Following Marks comment about the 'blind leading the blind' I have
>     only been with this list for 3 weeks and already concerned with
>     the amount of flaming and misinformation.  As a result ill be
>     unsubscribing from this list effective as of now. 
>     I would like to extend my thanks to those that took the time to
>     answer my questions during my brief stay and wish the list all the
>     best for the future.
>     -- 
>     Kind Regards,
>     Trent
>     --
>     ubuntu-users mailing list
>     ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>     Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
> -- 
> David McNally
> david3333333 at gmail.com <mailto:david3333333 at gmail.com>
> Linux Kernel 2.6.28-15-generic
All in all, as well as being pretty useful at times, I'd say that the 
general mood on this list is fairly good natured compared to some of the 
forums I've participated in which seem to be full of bitter and twisted 
souls who'd rather flame than provide useful info.

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