New menu.lst on Grub version 2

Tom H tomh0665 at
Tue Oct 6 22:56:41 UTC 2009

> I think the way grub 2 is made, it is made to be operated
> on by a machine, not a human. This may be good. but
> read the man page for grub 2. It is complex.

Do you know every detail of every script in /etc/init.d? So why care
whether you know the details of the scripts in /etc/grub.d?

As long as you can boot from any kernel or partition on the box that
you are booting either through update-grub populating the 10... and
30.. sections automatically or 40.. section with your own entries, why
care that grub.cfg is more complex than menu.lst?

If you need to add some entries with 40..., they are fairly similar to
those of menu.lst. You have to write "set root" instead of "root" and
"linux" instead of "kernel" and that's it.

So grub2 is OK, especially since it allows booting from ext4
partitions and LVM disks (and GPT disks, I think).

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